Ok, beer geek friends. Bare with me here while I get my review writing hat on. This is the first, so feel free to giggle and criticize, because you know I'm gonna stumble through this one. Leave comments for me about what you'd like to hear about and I'll be happy to evolve like a Pokemon as we move along through the blog.

All right. Do you have your adventure pants on? Let's go.

I chose Skull Splitter for one simple reason -- I have a splitting headache thanks to the aftermath of a bad late summer cold. No better reason around, if I do say so myself.

I am 99% certain my New Belgium chalice is the wrong glass, but work with me, here. I am planning to slowly acquire better bar ware, but first I need a paycheck. Or maybe a few. It's been a busy month.

I digress.

When I first poured the Skull Splitter into my glass it was a very pleasing dark maple color. It felt perfect for fall and the changing leaves outside. There was minimal head, and what head there was dissipated quickly. There was a visible bubbling like a sparkling ale that remained.

The sniff test told me that right away this was a strong brew. The forefront of everything was that burning alcohol smell - like nail polish remover but more pleasant. Once that got past my nose, the next thing I noted was a toasty smell. It was something nutty or caramel-y. Almost a warm fresh toffee smell to the beer.

In the mouth, the beer felt sticky. Not in an unpleasant way, but the liquid seemed to linger a bit after I swallowed, There was that bite of alcohol right away, but that dissolved into an almost effervescent feel.

Overall, this beer is one to sip on around a fire with your sweetie, I feel. It is warming and toasted, which bring on memories of mild fall days raking leaves. The caramel and toffee notes actually stuck around on the pallet for a really smooth after taste, which I much appreciated. The beer itself was much lighter than i expected it to be.

Beer: Skull Splitter
Style: Rich Ale - Authentic Orcadian Ale
Brewery: The Orkney Brewery
ABV: 8.5%
Served from: 11.2 ounce bottle
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 - I'd buy it again, but I don't want a ton of it.

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