It’s just about that time of year where folks will head out to the wine stores to gather up the finest in Thanksgiving appropriate wines to share around the dinner table. This year, I’ve switched gears completely and I will be offering up a variety of craft beers to go with our turkey and taters.

Anyone who knows me knows that this is very strange for me. I used to spend hours at the store, talking to wine professionals about the planned foods and what wines would be best… And this year, I take to the internet to find out if any of the million beers. Here are a few of the articles I’ve found!

GQ has a say, apparently. They would like all the classy men out there to know the best pairings for the man trying to impress his loved ones. On this list, I've got Rogue Ales Pumpkin Patch. It's definitely a contender for my family's celebration.

Serious Eats offers a guide to Thanksgiving beer pairings as well. They even include a little bit for dessert pairings. I do have a few barley wine beers, so they may be making a showing as well!

CraftBeer.Com has a pretty great list that divides their pairing suggestions out by beer style. I have surprisingly few on this list. However, there is a beer called Ninja Vs. Unicorn. I am fairly certain I would give my left arm to try one of those out. Also, all of this talk of Cigar City Brewing... I feel like I am severely missing out. A cucumber infused beer?! REALLY? Why have I not had this?

Last but not least, WineMag has a little piece on beers. Do I trust a wine site with my beer lists? Well, they rated a beer I have as their top choice, so maybe. I sometimes think of wine people like the Sharks and the Jets. There be turf wars up in here, yo. However... I guess the basic idea of pairings is universal between the Jets and the Sharks territory. Maybe we can just street fight
dance our differences out.

Well there you have it. A quick little piece on Thanksgiving beer pairings where I tell you nothing but let others do the talking for me. I hope you've got a good list going for your own celebration! What will you be bringing to the table?

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